2007年2月5日 星期一

English Quiz 117

English Quiz 117

1. Two months ago, Tony Blair unveiled Nicholas Stern's next opus, which he called "the most important report on the future published by the government in our time in office." It argues that humanity will find it much cheaper to make slight shifts in energy use now (equivalent, Stern estimates, to a 1% tax on current consumption) than risk the potentially huge costs from unchecked climate change decades from now. The report was a major hit, gaining cross-party support and media attention across Europe. Stern is now on a global road show selling his climate proposals, after which he'll return to the London School of Economics. The advice he is giving politicians worldwide is unambiguous. "We must act together," he says, "and we have to act quickly."
Q: 試翻 "It argues that ... decades from now."

2. One of the most inspired political acts of 2006 occurred on Oct. 8, when newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stepped off a plane in Beijing. Relations between China and Japan were at their lowest ebb in decades, largely because Abe's predecessor Junichiro Koizumi had repeatedly visited the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japan's war dead, including 14 Class-A war criminals. Abe's momentous trip to China broke a political stalemate between Asia's two leading powers and portended closer economic and diplomatic ties between these historical rivals. Yet Abe's boldness abroad hasn't been matched at home, where doubts over his zeal for reform are wrecking his approval ratings. Conceivably, Abe may try to energize his conservative base by visiting Yasukuni himself—a move that would anger China and South Korea, making it even harder to forge a unified strategy for dealing with North Korea and its nuclear weapons. Will he resist the allure of nationalism? "Abe likes to say: 'There is a strong point that I have,'" says Hiroshige Seko, the cabinet's top spokesperson. "'I tend to be perceived as softer than I am.'" In 2007, Japan—and the world—will discover just how strong Abe is.
Q: 試翻 "Relations between China and Japan ... Class-A war criminals."
Q: 試翻 "Abe's momentous trip ... these historical rivals."
